Big goals are often overwhelming. Here are 5 tips for breaking big goals into smaller tasks.

Quick wins – Identify one to three things you can do that will move the needle forward on a task and cross it off your “to do” list. Having a sense of accomplishment will help motivate you to complete another task. As Peter Shankman says, “How do you eat a dinosaur? One bite at a time.”

Set deadlines: Set a deadline for the next three tasks you can do. I’m a firm believer that a goal without a deadline is just a wish. Give yourself a week or two to complete tasks if you need to, but always have a deadline. Tasks without deadlines have less likelihood of ever being completed as they won’t become urgent.


Track progress: While writing down goals is important, it’s also important to keep track of your progress. Goal tracking worksheets or a goal management tool are helpful, so is having your own system. Regularly check in on tasks and take note of progress and next steps to keep you moving forward.


Get help: Getting bogged down by tasks that someone else could do? Delegate tasks and ask for help from fellow team members. Most people don’t ask for help until they are overwhelmed.
Ask for help early and often so you aren’t at crunch time when you reach out.


Begin with the end in mind: Thinking about the big picture is important with long-term goals. There are bound to be times when you are so focused on moving forward that you aren’t focused on the end result. Envisioning your success can help keep you motivated and moving in the right direction.


What are some of the ways you break down big goals? What would you add to this list?